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Service for April 15, 2018


This is a recording of the 10:30am service for Sunday, April 15. (Faith only held one service due to the snow.) Click here to follow along with the service folder. Faith also celebrated "Sioux Falls Lutheran School Sunday" today. Three of our Lutheran school teachers assisted with today's service. God bless you on this snowy weekend!

Easter Sunday Service 2018


Faith's service and Pastor Aker's sermon for Easter Sunday focuses on Jesus' promise, I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE! God bless you in this Easter season!

Good Friday 2018 "Tenebrae" Service


Tenebrae means "darkness" or "shadows." A Tenebrae service ends in darkness as we remember how the sun was darkened as Jesus died at Golgatha. This year's Tenebrae service continues the focus on Jesus "I AM" statements: "I AM the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep" (John 10:14). The songs in this service are "Go to Dark Gethsemane"; "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross"; "Jesus Wept"; "The Lord's My Shepherd"; "Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted"; "Via Dolorosa"; and "My Song is Love Unkown." 

Good Friday 2018 "Tre Ore" Service


"Tre Ore" is a three hour service which takes place approx. during the three hours in which Jesus hung on the cross. In seven segments and with seven preachers, this service focuses on the seven last words which Jesus spoke from His cross. The Pastors participating are Pastor Corey Aker (Faith Lutheran), Pastor Kory Janneke (Faith Lutheran), Pastor Chris Ascher (Resurection Lutheran), Pastor Matthew Nix (Christ Lutheran), Pastor Ryan Drevlow (Our Redeemer Lutheran), Pastor Robert Hinckley, and Pastor Aaron Asmus (Memorial Lutheran). To follow along with the service folder, please click here. 

Maundy Thursday 2018 Service


This is a recording of the full Maundy Thursday service from March 29, 2018. Pastor Aker's sermon theme was "I AM the Bread of Life" (John 6:35). The Scriptures were Exodus 16:14-36  &  John 6:27-40. The songs in the Maundy Thursday service were "O Lord, We Praise Thee";  "What is this Bread?";  "How Beautiful";  "Just as I Am";  and "You Satisfy the Hungry Heart." The service concludes with Psalm 22, in which David prophesies of Jesus' suffering.

Palm Sunday, March 25, 2018 Service


Pastor Aker's sermon on this Palm Sunday prepares our hearts for Jesus' passion and resurrection, on which we will continue to reflect in the days to come. Hymns in this Palm Sunday service include "Hosanna, Loud Hosanna"; "Ride On, Ride On in Majesty"; "No Tramp of Soldiers' Marching Feet"; "All Glory, Laud, and Honor"; "There is a Redeemer"; and "Lord, Bid Your Servant Go in Peace." The Gospel reading (read at the beginning) is John 12:12-19. 

March 18, 2018 Service


The sermon theme for this service was "Genie or Jesus?" based on Mark 10:32-45. Hymns include "Drawn to the Cross"; "I Will Seek Him" (sung by the choir); "The Church's One Foundation"; "In Christ Alone"; and "Lord, Help Us Walk Your Servant Way."
